The most important part of owning a motocross, off road or desert motorcycle is to get your suspension properly set up for your weight and riding style. When these motorcycles are manufactured at the factory, they are generally set up for around a 160lb average rider. This allows the factory to try to get a general setup for as many riders as possible. Because of this, you need to have the suspension properly revalved which fine tunes the suspension to your style of riding and then make sure that it is properly sprung for your weight. I have heard many riders say that "I am not fast enough to benefit from suspension" but trust us, any rider from a beginner to a pro can benefit from a revalve of their suspension. I use the experience that I have gained in 15+ years in the pro motocross industry to get you the best set up possible. Our service is guaranteed. If you are not happy with your setup, bring it back for a revision. Our goal is to make you get the most performance out of your chassis and have a safe ride!
Fork Revalve $245
Shock Revalve $195